Robotics and art
Every electronic, mechanical and industrial device as we know it would cease to exist if not for the industrial revolution. In fact, industrialization is partially responsible for combining robotics and art so successfully. It has also given birth to mass production, which was introduced by Gutenberg- allowing for fast and mass development of any product. However, just like anything, too much of one thing can have a negative effect. In the "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" by Walter Benjamin's, Benjamin points these negatives out and states how mass production can diminish arts "aura." He goes on to state that mass production of art takes away from its originality and creativity. Personally, I can somewhat agree with Benjamin's statements towards art and mass production. Almost every music album published today has the same reoccurring electronic drop that most consumers tend to predict within seconds of listening.
(Electronic music combining electronics/robotics with art)
Benjamin had a great point when it came to the negative effect of mass production on art, however, mass production is synonymous with economic growth. In today's world, mass production is essential when it comes to many of the basic things needed for survival.
(car mass production made possible my machines and essential in today's world)
Additionally, we can see many examples in which art has influenced robotics and technology. In the book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury predicted many of the electronic devices used today long before they were invented. Devices such as headphones and small music players in the book may have helped spark ideas for large companies in creating IPods and wireless headphones.
Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." New York, 1936. Print.
Derousseau , Ryan. "4 Facts to Consider When Buying Ford Stock" US News. US News, 30 Dec. 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
Lim , Angelica. "What Roboticists Can Learn From Art, and What Artists Can Learn From Robots" IEEE. Xplore libraries, Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
Vesna, Victoria. "Robotics". YouTube, 15 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
Tsukayama, Hayley "10 Ray Bradbury predictions that came true" BDN nation, Web. 17 Apr. 2016.
Ryan, It's great that you pointed out that despite the negative effects of mass production on the originality of arts, industrialization also made the access to arts easier for everyone. Pre-made electronic beats may not be a great choice if one really wants to be original, but it allows music amateurs to get their feet wet in composing their own music. Development of technology has definitely been shaped by arts. You used the example of Fahrenheit 451. I can also add the example of Star Trek here. Tablets have become an ordinary device now. Warp drive is not a pure imagination anymore.